Add/Subtract Days/Weeks/Months
You want to know what is the date forty weeks from now? What was the date seven months ago?
Days, weeks or months can be added to, or subtracted from, a specific date to produce a final date. This means that you can determine a future or past date, a number of days, weeks or months away along with the day of week of that date.
It is straightforward dealing with days and weeks because these are comprised of standard units.
Months, on the other hand, vary between 28 and 31 days. So, how many days involved in counting months will depend on the particular months involved.
Another complication is that the start month can start on the 31 st., for instance, and the end date on a day less than that. Adjustments are made for these instances.
A new feature is that you can automatically determine the day of the week of the start date.
- Select Month, Day of month and Year to create the start date; the Day of week is automatically determined.
- Select Add or Subtract to add to, or subtract from, the start date, respectively.
- Select Day, Week, Month component to add to or subtract from start date.
- Decide how many days, weeks, months to add to or subtract from the star date.
- Then press the 'Add / Subtract' button.
Add/Subtract Time
Multiply/Divide Time
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